Friday, 27 March 2009

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Poster : the first draft

Andrew, a friend of Juliet's, generously gave his time and skills to put together this draft poster for FFF, based on ideas discussed at previous gatherings - linking to the ancient well on the Plan-it Earth site : the ripple effect of water or ideas.......... . . . .  .   .  .  .   .    .     .       .        .
He will be getting together with Jonathan to fine tune the design for print.

Saturday, 21 March 2009


The Tree-bog;

This delightful little structure, made from recycled waste wood, is a common feature in the permaculture garden. It is a low impact, sustainable toilet.
Unlike normal toilets there is no need for the use of any chemicals and there is no danger of poluting rivers and seas.
There is also the added bonus of being able to re-use the precious resource of nutrient rich compost.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Faith for the Future

When Faith Moves Mountains
On 11 April 2202, 500 volunteers were supplied withe shovels and asked to form a single line at the foot of a giant sand dune in Ventanilla, an area outside Lima in Peru. This 'comb' pushed a quantity of sand a small distance, thereby moving a 16,00 foot long sand dune about 4 inches from its original position. The act constituted WHEN FAITH MOVES MOUNTAINS , a project by artist Frances Alys, in collaboration with Rafael Ortega and Cuauhtemoc Medina. 
Clair Doherty : From Studio to Situation

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Fair for the Future

Uphold or allow validity ,rightfulness, truth, correctness or justice of.....
Be adequate as ground or basis for....
Keep from failing or giving way, keep up, keep going,
Endure without failing, withstand, undergo, experience, suffer(?)...
Hold up. bear weight of, be support of.
Sufficient power, capacity to do, competency, cleverness, talent, mental faculty......

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Trust the process!

Last night the TP arts group met in Penzance, to progress plans for the FFF.  It  seems that one of the biggest challenges, for me anyway, and possibly the group, will be to respect and embrace the diverse visions and expectations individual members have for this day, and for the role the group sees itself taking in TP beyond the day.
This blog might provide a platform for discussion, or sharing and exchanging ideas just for the arts group, or for all involved in FFF, which should help keep the processes as transparent and inclusive as possible, and also spread the word.  I'm not sure which is best, so will start small, by limiting the authorship of the blog solely to the other four folk who were at lasts nights meeting, who will be invited to contribute by posting a blog or at least leaving some feedback comments.
Perhaps we can then decide if this is a useful tool or not. 
